7:30 pm — 10:00 pm
St Mary’s Church
Fratton Road

Portsmouth, PO1 5PA United Kingdom
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Conductor: David Gostick

Portsmouth Choral Union with Southern Pro Musica

Tenor: Nicholas Sharratt
Soprano: Luci Briginshaw
Alto: Rebecca Lodge Birkebaek
Bass: Edwin Kaye

PCU sang The Messiah for the first time in 1896. With W.E Green as Musical Director this became an annual event for the choir until 1963, when it had been performed 68 times in consecutive years! PCU last performed it in 2015. This performance will be the 82nd by Portsmouth Choral Union. An amazing achievement!

Handel composed his most famous piece in 1741, and continued to work on it after its initial performance, finally arriving at the version we know today in 1754. Impressive solo arias, like ‘Ev’ry valley shall be exalted’ and ‘Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion’ are interspersed with compelling chorus numbers, telling the story of Jesus’ birth, life, death, resurrection, and final victory over sin and death.
Handel deliberately kept the dramatic content of his Messiah understated – it was in church after all. He created a piece based on three concepts: the story of the nativity and its prophecy; that of the crucifixion and redemption of mankind; and a commentary on the Christian soul and its victory over death.
The rousing ‘Hallelujah’ Chorus is one of the most famous pieces of Baroque choral music, and by far the most widely-known section of the work.

Finally, this performance will, I believe, be the 82nd time that PCU has performed this piece – that in itself is a huge achievement!


December 16th, 2023
7:30 pm to 10:00 pm
Portsmouth Choral Union
023 9282 2227

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