Join us on Maundy Thursday as we remember the last supper Jesus shared with his friends; how at that meal he washed his disciples’ feet and then led them to the Garden of Gethsemane where he invited them to “watch and pray”. You are welcome to join us as we “watch and pray” any time between 9pm and Midnight.

Maundy Thursday Foot Washing at St Mary’s
At St Mary’s: Guest Preacher – Canon Peter Leonard. Music: A New Commandment – Moles, Go Ye to Dark Gethsemane – J.S. Bach.

Maundy Thursday Vigil at St Faith’s
St Mary’s Church, Fratton Road, Portsmouth, PO1 5PA. Tel: 023 9281 4444.
St Wilfrid’s Church, George St, Portsmouth PO1 5RT. Tel: 023 9282 2687.
St Faith’s Church, Crasswell Street, Portsmouth, PO1 1HT. Tel: 023 9282 7322.