At the Harvest Celebrations SWISHERS on Sunday helped us to reflect on the mustard seed and other stories told about Jesus, such as the feeding of the 5000 from the 5 loaves and 2 fish, and how from little things great things can happen. We have to learn to put our trust in God, be…

A few years ago, I found a model of Saint Mary’s Church on the top shelf of the safe. It looked as if it was done in cross stitch, and was quite accurate. After a quick dust off, it took pride of place next to the shop for everyone to admire. Visitors always ask who…

You may have seen in Pompey Chimes – or heard elsewhere – about the celebrations for the 1st birthday of Harbour Church. It is good to see the work and witness that they have been doing in the heart of the city. A small group of us have been meeting to talk with Alex, the…

The last part of Lent was marked by a number of events which Saint Mary’s was heavily involved in. On March 24th we hosted the presentation of St John’s Gospel by one man. This was a captivating event, and gave much food for thought as we prepared to walk with Christ the way of the cross….

Holiday season seems to have arrived at Saint Wilfrid’s, with many of you either on holiday or have recently returned from hot and sunny climes. It has been lovely hearing your holiday stories, including throwing in the comment ‘it really was too hot!’ It is very kind of you to have brought the weather home…

Someone was heard to say the other day ‘at last a quiet time has arrived’ ….and sometimes there is a sense that once we have got through Lent, Holy Week, Easter, May Fayre and Annual Meetings we have arrived at a quieter place. However looking back over the last couple of months since the May…

One of the aspects of ordained ministry that I enjoy (and never cease to be fascinated by) is how we are involved in a number of independent and apparently isolated activities. The variety of things I do day by day and week by week seems to be endless – visiting school; taking home communion to…

I am currently in a familiar sequence of events – a bit like riding a roller coaster. There is the build up through Lent to the intensity of Holy Week and then the Easter celebrations. We then pause briefly to enjoy the ‘new life of Christ’ before it feels like the ride is off again…

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