At the Harvest Celebrations SWISHERS on Sunday helped us to reflect on the mustard seed and other stories told about Jesus, such as the feeding of the 5000 from the 5 loaves and 2 fish, and how from little things great things can happen. We have to learn to put our trust in God, be open to His word and respond with generosity of spirit. Each person at the Harvest was given a small mustard seed and encouraged to think about how they can respond to God’s love, and allow great things to happen.
During the last month the community at Saint Wilfrid’s has perhaps needed that message. We marked the life of Doreen Shrubb at her funeral – and gave thanks for a life of faith lived out in service in the city, both in latter years at Saint Wilfrid’s but earlier at Saint Mary’s Mission and in the guiding movement at Saint Jude’s. Doreen will be greatly missed – and not just for her coconut ice or chocolate stall! It was good after the service for us all to gather with her family and friends in the Lounge to look at pictures and share our stories and memories. Doreen’s death, various illnesses and the moving away of other people has meant that the congregation has felt rather small and depleted at the end of the summer. The Harvest talk helps us to remember that even from small things God can produce growth and life, if we let Him and listen to Him. There are signs all around us of that life – the Coffee Mornings for Ride and Stride and Macmillan; the monthly lunches and the work of SWISHERS flc. Thank you to all those who give of their time and their skills to enable all of these things to happen.
As the Magazine is printed, the advert will be appearing in the Church Times for the new Associate Vicar for the Parish. We are looking for someone to serve the whole Parish in supporting our life of discipleship and Prayer and to play a full part of the Parish wide ministry team. They will also be asked to have a special role in leading Saint Wilfrid’s community as we consider the future and how best to use or develop the building. The interviews will take place at the end of the month – so please pray for all involved in the process and particularly that God may help us to discern the person He is calling to our Parish and to Saint Wilfrid’s.
Finally, Revd Sue has asked us to let you know that she used the generous ‘thank you gift’ she received when she moved to Saint Faith’s to purchase a Kindle (an electronic book). This meant she and Paul were able to travel lighter on their holidays, without being weighed down with paperbacks!