November 2018
Saint Wilfrid’s News

Last month we mentioned the upcoming congregational meeting to share the thinking of the DCC as we consider the future of Saint Wilfrid’s. It was a good meeting with some discussion around the various ideas.

We thought we would share the thinking with you – and if you have any thoughts or suggestions then please do contact Father Bob.

The DCC have identified that there are in fact 3 separate issues and discussions we need to be addressing. They are:

• Ensure the long-term feasibility and sustainability of SWISHERS as a provision.

• The building and its challenges – the time for constant patching and making do and mend is now passed – we need to have a clear development plan possibly in partnership with other groups or agencies or a developer.

• The development of the worshipping community and its engagement with the local community – as a place of hospitality, outreach and a ‘sacred space’ – for the time being within the current building, but aware that this may not be permanent, and we may need to re-locate.

It was agreed that we also need to build the confidence and self-esteem of the congregation and a pride in what we do.

To help to do this, the PCC will set up two working groups for the first two bullet points with an aim to having a clear way forward established by July next year. In addition, to help with the 3rd area we are doing the following:

 The main gates will be left constantly open – to give a clear message that the Church is ‘open and alive’. Posters are now placed on fences to clearly identify this is a church.
 A large A0 poster, colourful and well produced – will be placed on the main door– welcoming people in and giving details of the Sunday Service.
 Thought will be given to how the entrance porch can be better used and look less ‘tired’
 The chairs/altar in the Church will not be moved, so creating a sense of ‘sacred space’
 The Church will be ‘decluttered’ and some new boards and displays produced
 The chapel is being developed as a prayer space– with clear opportunities to light candles and use prayer resources, to be available to anyone when the building is open.
 The Parish will ‘host a prayer breakfast’ in Advent (Saturday Dec 8th)
 The Parish will run an Epiphany Messy Church as a one-off event. (Saturday January 12th)
 Work with Parish on possible Eco Church registering.
 Build on success of Bingo club

If you would like to be involved, or to help in any way, please let Father Bob know.

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