Last Sunday after Trinity 28th October 2018
21st Sunday after Trinity 21st October 2018
20th Sunday after Trinity 14th October 2018
19th Sunday after Trinity 7th October 2018
October 2018 Saint Wilfrid’s News The last month has seen the moving of the World War 1 items in the Church into the Lounge so that more members of the local community can see them. They are also an important reminder as we approach the centenary of the Armistice of the ‘local’ impact of the…
October 2018 Saint Faith’s News I am writing this after September’s successful Coffee Morning; it was a joy to see the Barnabas Room buzzing with people chatting and laughing! Refreshments were so busy that an emergency dash to the shops was needed to stock up! The morning marked the beginning of our Patronal celebrations. It…
October 2018 Saint Mary’s News The Church noticeboard outside the ‘welcome area for children’ is a good indicator of the ‘temperature’ of the year – not in terms of heat, but activity! The start of September saw the whole board filled with the posters for forthcoming events … and as the month has progressed, these…
October 2018 Father Bob writes This year our Harvest Celebrations have slipped into October so that we can combine them with Animal Welfare Sunday. As you probably know, this year we are working with the Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals to consider how we can care for the marine environment. For the Ministry…