Last month we reported that Deacon Ken had been in hospital and then was at home resting. He continues to make a good recovery, but is still ‘taking things’ easy and will be ‘off duty’ for a while longer. He has asked us to express his appreciation for all the cards and good wishes he has received and he hopes to be able to see everyone soon.
We were grateful to Father Darcy for leading us through the Triduum – and helping us over the last few weeks with our ‘temporary music’ machine. The shortage of organists means that we have had a few Sundays where we have enjoyed singing ‘karaoke’ style to pre-recorded organ music. There have even been some times when the singing has been unaccompanied – and this has been done with gusto – perhaps we don’t need the organ accompaniment!
The pre-recorded music has highlighted the problems with the sound system. It is showing its age and is not functioning on all cylinders! The sound engineer has inspected the system and to renew the wiring and improve the technology to help make it fit for purpose will cost in the region of £5,000. As this is almost all of the annual budget for repairs and renewals, then the DCC will need to give this some further consideration when it next meets.
The Annual Meeting heard more of the news we shared last month with regard to the financial challenges Saint Wilfrid’s faces. There will be a PCC meeting with the Archdeacon and other Diocesan advisors on May 17th to consider possible ways forward. Please continue to pray for the church at this time and that we may discern where God is calling us.
At the Annual Meeting Father Bob spoke of having to face the reality of the situation, but at the same time not to allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by the ‘negatives’. All of us in life face challenges and have times when all is going well, and other times when things are not so easy. We need to identify the positive areas of our life and witness and invest our time and energy in them, while not ignoring the problems, but dealing with them in the light of our positives.
The last month saw some of those ‘positive areas’ of our faith and life. The engagement of SWISHERS flc in the provision of the Altar of Repose on Maundy Thursday and the Easter Garden and Flowers. The Coffee Morning in April – small in number – but raised over £50. The support for the regular Charity Lunches and the team that have worked together to provide them – despite various illnesses etc – even Father Bob helped with the washing up! Thank you to everyone who contributes to our common life.
Lastly, the Annual Meeting also gave us a chance to say farewell and thank you to Alana. She has recently moved to Cowplain and so will not be around on a regular basis. Thank you for all her support over the years – especially working with Joy and SWISHERS on Sunday.