St Mary’s is a cultural, community and spiritual hub in the heart of Fratton  – don’t miss out on the many events and special services that happen here -join our events email list.

Details of services are available on the Services page and special services are on listed on the  Events page

Being with God

We seek to enable everyone to feel that they are able to share in our common life or prayer and worship as fully as they wish. If you have any concerns or suggestions please share them with Fr Bob. or one of the Ministry Team.

People of worship

We seek to be people of prayer, and explore how we can best be with God and with each other.  Alongside this we ensure that whatever we do is sustainable and creates a safe space for everyone.  As a consequence of this:

St Mary’s will  be open each weekday (Monday to Friday) from 9am – Noon for Private Prayer and reflection

Please refer to the services page for the latest details for worship in church, streamed services and for Service Sheets.

You are also invited to pause and pray with us at 9am and 6pm each day wherever you are.  Resources for daily prayer can be found online at the Church of England website and you can follow with a recording on SoundCloud here, or download the Daily Prayer app on to your phone. Or simply be still, light a candle and offer to God in prayer all that lies in your hearts and say the Lord’s Prayer.

Prayer Resources  –  Each day we are encourage everyone to find some time and space to pause and pray with us. You may want to use this Celtic Office as a structure.  

With best wishes and prayers
Father Bob

Prayer at the end of the day

As well as stopping to pray at 9am for Morning Prayer, and 6pm for Evening Prayer daily you may also want to share in Night Prayer (or Compline) the traditional way of reflecting on the day past and entrusting ourselves to God’s care through the night. The Church of England resources are available online using the same links shared above, or you can follow our Compline service here set to some beautiful music.


We welcome you

The Parish of St Mary consists of three Churches and a wide cross section of people of all ages and backgrounds.

We welcome people who wish to explore their faith with us through the various groups and discussions that take place here. We also enjoy meeting together in relaxed and informal occasions and at special events and celebrations. The great thing about the Parish is the variety of ways in which we come together and I look forward to meeting you at some of them!

Whether you are a visitor, or a newcomer to one of the Churches, or are enquiring about Baptism or Marriage then I hope that you will visit us again for one of the services or activities listed here.

If you have any questions or want more information then please do get in touch with one of the clergy or other people listed on the contacts page.

With best wishes and prayers.

— Bob White – Vicar

Our Parish Vision

The people of God in this Parish – the two Church communities 
– seek to be a reflection of the Trinity:
seen and expressed in particular ways and in particular places.
Where all are equal and all are valued, all have a contribution to make,
and all seek to recognise the gifts of others.

To do this we need to address :

  • How we are centred on prayer and worship.
  • How we communicate internally, and externally, effectively.
  • How we seek to make all welcome and improve accessibility.
  • How we grow as a ‘team’ while recognising individual (both Churches and people) strengths and weaknesses.
  • How we encourage ‘social’ activities which are ‘quality’ and affordable.
  • How we develop, value, and use our resources – both buildings and people.

A place of prayer, worship and welcome for all in the Parish

Parish Safeguarding

The Parish of Portsea is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults and creating protective and supportive environments where all people, and especially those who may be vulnerable, are able to worship and pursue their faith journey in safety.

We follow the national legal and procedural framework for safeguarding children and adults, and Church of England policy and practice. More information can be found here.

If you have a safeguarding concern about an adult or child, please contact our Parish Safeguarding Representative:

Jenny Stemp | 07341 569 238

We believe in the Eucharist – He feeds and nourishes us with His presence and…

We believe in the Eucharist – He feeds and nourishes us with His presence and…


St Mary's 2024 Autumn Fair

10:00 am — 12:00 pm
@ St Mary’s Church
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